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IBillIt for AIM & ARB for Authorize.Net 1.1

IBillIt for AIM & ARB for Authorize.Net IBillIt for AIM & ARB for Authorize.Net 1.1

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IBillIt for AIM & ARB for Authorize.Net Publisher's Description

IBillIt was the first, and is still the best, library certified by for their Automated Recurring Billing (ARB) service.
IBillIt is built in C# under the .NET framework to work with .NET managed code, script, and native code. Pick your language. We support it, including: Java, PHP, Visual Basic, C#, C, C++, VBScript, JavaScript, Visual Basic.NET, VBA, VB6 and almost any other Windows development environment. Check out our sample code to see IBillIt in action.
IBillIt includes complete documentation included, along with sample code, getting started and full reference documentation.
Bonus features: the ability to track line order items; totalling of a variety of amounts such as taxes and shipping; the ability to include custom data; the ability to set default properties to avoid redundant code; duplicate billing information; and MD5 Hash Validation support.

What's New in Version 1.1 of IBillIt for AIM & ARB for Authorize.Net

1.1.1621.0000 2009-06-10 - Fix bug with Subscription.ECheckType not being emitted. 1.1.1610.0000 2009-05-30 - Add constructors to pass in path to license key file or explicit license key values. 1.0.1179.0000 2008-03-25 - Added support for Card Present (CP) systems.

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